Bonifacio excursion | South Corsica sightseeing tour

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Excursion Bonifacio et extrême Sud Corse! Circuit touristique à la journée au départ d’Ajaccio. Prenez place à bord d’une voiture ou d’un Minibus/Minivan avec chauffeur local pour une excursion vers l’extrême Sud de l’île! Accueil chaleureux, ambiance décontractée, anecdotes et paysages grandioses garanti! Une destination incontournable en Corse du Sud! En chemin, vous découvrirez les richesses du golfe du Valinco, Propriano et le village atypique de Sartène! Flânez dans les artères commerçantes en empruntant le chemin du « Catenacciu »! Puis Roccapina et son lion dans la roche avant de rejoindre la citadelle de Bonifacio! Une sublime cité Médiévale aux demeures à flanc de falaises vertigineuses! Visitez la Marina, accédez à la Haute Ville et empruntez les escaliers du Roy d’Aragon. Arpentez le sentier des falaises de Bonifacio! Pour finir, une baignade à la plage de St Antoine, une crique paradisiaque à l’eau turquoise, au cœur des Bouches de Bonifacio!

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Bonifacio excursion departing from Ajaccio in South Corsica. Take your place aboard a vehicle with local driver and guide at an additional cost, depending on the service booked! Take a day trip on an unmissable self-guided tour. Good humor, anecdotes and breathtaking scenery guaranteed! Discover exceptional sights, unspoilt wilderness and heavenly beaches on your excursion! Visit the seaside town of Propriano and the atypical village of Sartène, before ending your Bonifacio excursion in the extreme south of Corsica and the sublime medieval city with its breathtaking cliffs!

Bonifacio & southern Corsica excursion

A trip to Bonifacio means discovering a rich historical heritage and a picturesque town! A medieval town with mansions overlooking a bewitchingly blue sea from the top of superb, immaculately white limestone cliffs. Stroll along a marina lined with luxury yachts to reach an upper town of undeniable charm. Take a stroll along Bonifacio's ramparts.

Excursion to the citadel of Bonifacio

A citadel with cobbled lanes, pretty shopping streets and panoramic views of Sardinia. Visit the Cimetière Marin, the Gouvernail de la Corse, the church of Sainte Marie Majeure de Bonifacio...climb the Escaliers du Roy d'Aragon. As you descend the 187 steps of this staircase carved into the cliff, you'll marvel at the incredible scenery! Pass through the Porte de Gênes with its Bastion de l'étendard to reach the beautiful Chapelle St Roch, the Bonifacio cliff path or the marina for a gourmet break!

Escapade on the cliffs of Bonifacio

Baladez vous sur le sentier des falaises « Campu Romanilu » durant votre excursion pour une vue incroyable de la cité Bonifacienne surplombant les superbe falaises de calcaire. Un contraste saisissant de couleurs entre le bleu turquoise de la Mer et la roche blanchâtre recouverte du Maquis odorant à la végétation rase.

Excursion to the Bouches de Bonifacio

Opting for a Bonifacio excursion means discovering the Bouches de Bonifacio Nature Reserve, with its grandiose landscapes and endemic flora and fauna, as well as the Pertusato lighthouse, on a 15/20 minute walk to the sublime St. Antoine beach. A heavenly little cove with turquoise waters, inviting you to relax and swim, with its open-air grotto, huge boat-shaped rock and layered limestone, like waves frozen in time...

Further information


All year round


We pick up all travelers within an 8-kilometer radius of Ajaccio or Porticcio (35 hotels, Charles Ornano and Tino Rossi ports & Napoléon Bonaparte airport). Our driver will pick you up directly at the point agreed when booking the tour.


8 hours of service. Estimated journey time 5 hours round trip, depending on summer traffic.


What's included: Fresh bottles of water, Professional driver, Vehicle and transport insurance
What's not included: All food & beverage expenses, Parking fees, Entrance tickets for attractions & museums, Tour guide or guide-interpreter


Free car seats or booster seats on request


Not accessible to people with reduced mobility (PRM)
Pets not allowed

Equipment required

Bath towel
Flip-flops or beach shoes
Sun cream


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